Stake your BOC (G, G)

Due to the possibility that users may not always be able to access the Bank of Cronos website due to hosting issues, we want to show users that they can still interact with the Bank of Cronos contracts to perform certain actions such as staking. In this guide, we will show you how to stake your BOC tokens via Cronoscan.

If you have never staked BOC before, there are two steps involved:

  1. Approve the staking contract to spend your BOC tokens.

  2. Stake your BOC tokens.

Always input a value greater than 0 when staking/unstaking.

If you have staked BOC before, there is only one step to perform: Stake your BOC tokens.

How to approve BOC spending via Cronoscan

  • Check and ensure your selected network is "Cronos Mainnet" in your wallet. Then press Connect to Web3 to connect your wallet if you haven't done so.

  • Once it is connected, go to the 2. approve tab option.

  • On the spender (address) field, we would fill in the staking contract address. Enter this value: 0x8119595311e651a6598065AaEC9A10175a69b5b2

  • On the amount (uint256) field, fill in the amount of BOC you would like the staking contract to spend on your behalf, and multiply it by 1e9. If you don't want to repeat this step whenever you want to stake, you can choose a very large value. Let's say you want to allow the contract to spend up to 1e9 BOC on your behalf, you would enter: 1000000000000000000

  • Click Write.

  • Sign the transaction on Metamask and wait for it to complete.

How to stake BOC via Cronoscan

  • Check and ensure your selected network is "Cronos Mainnet" in your wallet. Then press Connect to Web3 to connect your wallet if you haven't done so.

  • Once it is connected, go to the 11. stake tab option.

  • On the _amount (uint256) field, fill in the amount you wish to stake, and multiply it by 1e9. For example, if you want to stake 1 BOC, fill in the value: 1000000000

  • Click Write.

  • Sign the transaction on Metamask and wait for it to complete.

Last updated